Executive CoachingLeadership DevelopmentSoft Skills Training

Emotional Intelligence Leadership – The Key to Success

Assuming that Emotional Intelligence is directly linked to leadership, there are three questions that need to be answered:
• What is Emotional Intelligence?
• Why is it important?
• How can Emotional Intelligence Quotient be increased?

We looked at the answer to the first question in my previous article titled, What Is Emotional Intelligence? Let us now look at the answer to the second question.

Emotional Intelligence is a soft skill, and the good thing about it is that it can be increased with consistent effort. This is more the reason that it needs to be worked upon. Since it is not a fixed trait, we can continue to develop it as we learn from what we experience in all areas of life.

Take, for example, a group of senior managers applying for a top position. They might all have MBAs but what characteristic will make them stand apart as the most successful leader? It has been established that the following kind of people – those who display high EQ – make it to the top:
• Ability to create resonance with others
• Display of empathy
• Ability to inspire
• Awareness of one’s abilities and shortfalls and confidently managing these to their best ability

Research undertaken by eminent scientists and psychologists, Hay/McBer and Goleman, concluded that the two main reasons for executive failure are:
• Rigidity (unable to adapt or take on board feedback and learn)
• Poor relationships (alienating others) This re-instates the importance of Emotional Intelligence in the present world. Further discussions on the subject would continue in my next blog update, where I would discuss the third question. Do visit next week for tips on how your Emotional Intelligence Quotient can be improved.

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