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Time Management Training

Time Management Training Workshop OutlineTime Management Training PlanTime Management Training Module Demo

Our Time Management Training Program will help to significantly improve productivity by managing time more efficiently. Effective time management is one skill that is critical for all leaders. This skill also plays a critical role in ones ability to manage stress. Hence it is a part of our leadership training program and our stress management training.

By applying the skills taught in our Time Management Workshops you can optimize your efforts to ensure that you concentrate as much of your time and energy as possible on the high payoff tasks. This warrants that you achieve the greatest benefit possible with the limited amount of time available to you.

How does Time Management Skills help?

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Try defining the term ‘Time’. You will find it to be extremely challenging. In fact, the dictionary definition for ‘Time’ has synonyms, or like-meaning words to define time. So, if defining time is that difficult, then, what are the chances of managing time? This simply means that Time Management in reality is the ability to manage self in order to make the best use of time as a resource given to us. The Time Management Training conducted by MMM Training Solutions gives you Time Management tips and techniques to manage self effectively.

People who are good at managing time routinely are the highest achievers in all walks of life, from business to sport to public service as it enables you to be in control of your life. It also allows you to act on situations rather than react to situations. When reacting to situations you are ill prepared and under stress so your action is far from your optimum capacity. Whereas, when you respond to situations, it is well planned and thus allows you to function at your highest.

At the heart of time management is an important shift in focus: Concentrate on results, not on being busy. This could well be the best time management advice. Many people spend their days in a frenzy of activity, but achieve very little because they are not concentrating on the right things. According to the Pareto Principle, or the ‘80:20 Rule’, typically 80% of unfocussed effort generates only 20% of results. The remaining 80% of results are achieved with only 20% of the effort.

The 3 Major Components of Time Management Skills

  • Task Listing
    Create a to-do-list. While creating one you will be able to estimate the time you will need to complete each task.
  • Task Prioritizing
    Review your list and arrange them in the order of priority. This is where Time Management tools like ‘The Urgent-Important’ matrix and Pareto Principle come help.
  • Task Scheduling
    Using the prioritized list you will arrange the task in terms of the actual time when the task will be completed.

Ten Time Management Tips

  • Do Not Procrastinate: Most of us start the day procrastinating. We diligently set an alarm to wake-up in the morning but in reality wake-up only after snoozing for few minutes. Then there are other tasks in the day that we procrastinate on because the nature of work may overwhelm us. If so, look at breaking down the task into smaller parts.
  • Understand your time wasters: There could be a long list of time wasters for a typical corporate employee. Being part of meetings without an agenda, forward mails, petty family obligations, small talks etc. How much time you spend on each of it is really in your hands. It is all about discipline.
  • Understand the way you spend your time: Your productivity is bound to improve if you maintain a time-log for every 30-minutes to check how you use your time. Do this for few weeks and understand what time of day is most productive for you.
  • Be Organized: Remove all the clutter off your work-station. The more organized you are the more chances of managing time effectively
  • Plan your day: Use planning tool to record tasks that needs to be accomplished for the day. Review your plan as per exigencies that arises during the day.
  • Prioritize & Schedule: Learn to prioritize and schedule the tasks based on order of importance and deadlines
  • Take help from others: Identify tasks that do not contribute to your productivity. Check if these tasks can be delegated.
  • Avoid multi-tasking: Contrary to the belief multi-tasking may actually impede your productivity. The time lost every time you switch from one job to another is the reason for this loss of time.
  • Work towards being productive and not busy: Do not rush into being in action. The idea of time management is to do more in less time. This needs planning.
  • Stay Healthy: If time is money and health is wealth, staying healthy helps you to manage time better.

Our Time Management Skills Training Program

The important components of Time Management Training conducted by MMM Training Solutions are:

  • Formulating goals using powerful Goal setting techniques
  • Tools to plan your work
    • To-Do-Lists
    • Prioritizing tools
    • Scheduling Your Day
    • Getting organized
  • Delegating
  • Learning to say “NO’
  • Dealing with difficult tasks
  • Maximizing the available time
  • The importance of right attitude
  • Use of technology in time management
  • Managing stress by effectively managing time

For a detailed Training Outline please download our workshop outline:

Time Management Training Workshop OutlineTime Management Training PlanTime Management Training Module Demo

Impact of Time Management Training on our Client’s Business

A Senior Manager of the Marketing department, reporting to the CEO of an automobile components manufacturing company was part of our Time Management Training program. During the program he was asked to list down the usual tasks that he accomplishes during a normal working day. We compared his list to the deliverables of his Key Result Areas (KRA) and found out, that there were few tasks that were not part of his top KRA. It was suggested that he identify people in his team to whom these areas could be delegated.  The Senior Manager took this as an action plan to be implemented post training. A month later during our discussion with the CEO, we were given to understand that the Senior Manager had improved his productivity by close to 30%.

If you are looking for Time Management Training that leaves such positive impact on your employees, contact us right away.

All content on this website is written by Pramila Mathew.