Conflict Resolution Training Material

Conflict Resolution Training Material

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Momentum Training Solutions

Our Conflict Resolution Training Material contains conflict management techniques that are designed to increase competence in the areas of assertive communication, positive influencing skills, and conflict resolution. The focus is on real-life problems and challenges one faces in the workplace.

$225 USD: 112

INR 15000 INR: 7,500/-

Through our Conflict management training modules, soft skills trainers will be equipped to enable participant understanding as to how they can increase their effectiveness in getting things done, while building positive working relationships. Our experienced and expert trainers who conduct our conflict management training programs for top corporates create the conflict resolution training materials.

What is conflict management? Conflict is an integral part of human relationships. Many consider conflict to be destructive. However, conflict when managed right is constructive and results in the growth of human relationships. So equipping oneself with good conflict resolution skills is a must to handle both personal and professional relationships effectively. Trainers have applauded the conflict resolution strategies provided in the training material for its efficacy. It is one of our significant soft skills training materials.

Momentum Training Solutions

$225 USD: 112

INR 15000 INR: 7,500/-

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